Autor: AnnaSeite 12 von 14
tapes, Kasetten, cassettes
tapes, Kasetten, cassettes, Bremen Germany 2010.
lady with stockings
lady with stockings, Santiago Chile 2009.
Superflower, Paris France 2013.
Horror bunny Mr. Brightside
Horror bunny, Berlin Germany 2010.
Sensorial Music
Sensorial, Chiloe Chile 2010.
ladybird = lady + bird
ladybird = lady + bird, Córdoba Argentina 2010.
LEGO love
LEGO love, Ireland 2012.
MONO-STEREO, Valparaíso Chile 2009.
Ahhh… no rules
Ahhh… no rules, Berlin Deutschland 2011.
Stupid Kitti behaeded
Stupid Kitti behaeded – Little Lucy köpft Kitti (by El Bocho), Köln Deutschland 2011.
colourful animals
Animals – Tiere, Rio de Janeiro Brasilien 2010.
Pirate’s Cat
Pirate’s cat – Piratenkatze, Valparaíso Chile 2009.
Suffragette – Frauenrechtlerin, Valparaíso Chile 2009.
kuckuck (cuckooooo)
Kuckuck, Köln Deutschland 2012.
unerwiderte Liebe – one-sided love
one-sided love – einseitige Liebe, Valparaíso Chile 2009.
Piped – Verrohrt
piped – verrohrt, Berlin Deutschland 2011.
Duele – It hurts.
Duele – It hurts, Valparaíso Chile 2009.
Girl, Mädchen, Niña #3
Niña #3, Santiago Chile 2009.
Girl, Mädchen, Niña #2
Niña #2, Santiago Chile 2009.
Girl, Mädchen, Niña #1
Niña #1, Santiago Chile 2009.